Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Catholic Saints Coloring Pages

Check out this new site I found! This woman draws her own pictures and puts them up for us to print and use with our children. She does wonderful work and have printed out 2 already for the kids. My daughter is coloring Our Lady of the Rosary right now and we are planning on making a Saint book. VERY COOL!!

Click here to see the site.


  1. Hi Karen, My name is Belinda, from belinda's brain and it is a pleasure to meet a faithful fellow Catholic, seriously it really is. I accidently found you when I logged in mistakenly onto my blog ,and I found a secret(to me :) list of people who follow my blog ,and you were on my list. Thanks for your kind support, I just wanted to stop over ,and say hi, thanks, and visit me anytime. There are so many unchristian people in this world. True Catholics are like a cool breeze, thanks be to God.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words and I am so glad your family is enjoying the coloring pages!
